Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. OS Github Invite
    An invite link to the OS Github Server. Contains many useful resources, including contacts of the teaching assistants when I get stuck with OS Assignments.

  2. Fuchsia
    First time I heard about Fuchsia from the OS Scele Forum. Basically a multi-platform OS.

  3. Windows 3.1
    A Classic Windows 3.1 that you can run in your browser. Very interesting.

  4. Windows 95
    A blog about the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.

  5. EmuOS
    A windows 98 OS emulator run in browser. Has games and application from the classic OS, and a bunch of nostalgia.

  6. Archlinux Wiki
    A wiki about linux distro or archbased. It’s also useful for other distros as well.

  7. BanditHijo
    An Indonesian blog that often writes about unix-based tools.

  8. Mastering the Vim Language
    Vim editor was more interesting than I thought. The learning curve is very steep, but a penpal of mine said it’s going to boost productivity and working time overall.

  9. Missing Semester: Shell
    It’s an interesting online course about practical things that weren’t taught on campus.

  10. Learn Docker in 12 Minutes
    I’ve been interested in learning docker for a while, but it sounds so intimidating. This video puts it very simply and in a language that’s easy to understand.